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Event Summary

School of Public Affairs 2025: JumpStart

Thursday, June 12, 2025 at 9:00 AM - Friday, June 13, 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Location: Main Campus


The School of Public Affairs (SPA) will host SPA JumpStart 2025, a special on-campus initiative that offers a robust agenda oriented around career development and the introduction to integral campus and community services to support your successful onboarding as a new graduate student! The experience is designed to cater to all of SPA's on-campus master's degrees and graduate certificates and will "JumpStart" new students' academic, professional, and social preparedness in graduate student life.

The agenda includes a(n): career development workshop and panels, professional headshots, a SAMI (SPA's skill institute) sampler, campus resource fair, housing bus tour, current student and alumni panel as well as a Book Talk, ice cream social, and community cook-out! The event is complimentary for one and all! JumpStart offers SPA's Fall 2025 class an opportunity to further engage with; SPA faculty, alumni, staff, and current as well as incoming students, campus and community resources, and your new Washington, D.C. home.

The event is sure to JumpStart your academic and professional careers! We look forward to you joining and actively engaging with the AU/SPA/and Washington, D.C. community-at-large!
