The School of Public Affairs (SPA) will host two Spring Engagement Day events for admitted students for Fall 2024.
SPA will host a full visit day experience on-campus on Friday, April 5, 2024. Students will also be invited to visit classes on the evening prior, Thursday, April 4, 2024.
SPA will also host an afternoon visit day experience online on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
(The agendas will be comparable in an effort to accommodate students unable to join in-person).
SPA's Spring Engagement Day(s) offer Fall 2024 admitted master's students an opportunity to further explore SPA's academic programs and associated research institutes and centers, engage with select faculty, current students, alumni, staff, and their future peer network, as well as experience the beautiful American University (AU) campus and the excitement of Washington, D.C. The experience is sure to enable students the opportunity to envision themselves as part of the welcoming, diverse and inclusive AU and SPA communities.
The SPA Spring Engagement Day visit agenda(s) will include faculty current issue talks, departmental meetings with Chairs, Program Directors, and Academic Advisors, a career services and professional outcomes presentation, current student/alumni panel, as well as a session devoted to SPA's merit aid strategy.
All Fall 2024 admitted graduate (master's and certificate) students to SPA are invited to attend. More details including a detailed itinerary and logistics will be offered to registered guests closer to the event.